The Economic Development Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government has officially opened registration for the 2nd Kaohsiung Startup Investment DEMO DAY competition. This event targets startups, offering a platform to accelerate equity fundraising and capital growth. Following the success of the inaugural event, which secured over NT$200 million in investments and facilitated business collaborations for four companies, the second edition invites eligible teams and startups from Kaohsiung and across Taiwan to participate. Online registration is open until January 19, 2025.
Economic Development Bureau Director Liao Tai-Hsiang noted that this annual event, hosted by KO-IN, brings together key partners such as Legend Innovation, ITIC, 500 Global, and others. The inaugural event earlier this year saw participation from nearly 60 companies and teams, with 10 finalists raising over NT$200 million in equity funding. Among them, four companies successfully established partnerships with corporate clients, leading to paid PoC (Proof of Concept) orders and joint research projects. KO-IN provides startups with comprehensive consulting services, covering business model validation and fundraising planning, and has assisted over 100 companies in reaching commercialization milestones and connecting with capital markets.
Mighty Net, a KO-IN partner, shared that last year’s event facilitated the adoption of a finalist’s fingerprint recognition solution in their Hsinchu smart factory, resulting in successful commercial validation. This year, Mighty Net is seeking to collaborate with more innovative partners to scale up business opportunities.
For further details and registration, visit KO-IN’s official LINE account or contact their support team at 07-2225876.
高市府經發局第二屆高雄創業投資DEMO DAY大賽,日前已經對外公告接受報名中,這是專屬於創新創業公司針對股權募資與資本加速成長的投募資活動,第一屆舉辦成果亮眼,在市府與KO-IN智高點營運團隊同時也是高雄在地早期投資創育機構的誠研創新(股)公司的輔導促成下,目前已累計取得超過2億元的投資金額,並從中促成至少4家創新公司與企業客戶締結商業合作。本次第二屆活動採線上報名,報名期間從即日起到2025年1月19日為止,歡迎有意願邁向資本市場的高雄企業與全台符合報名資格的公司或團隊踴躍報名。
高市府經發局長廖泰翔表示,這次徵件大賽是高市府KO-IN智高點創新園區新創基地年度投募資活動,由高市府攜手KO-IN智高點營運團隊誠研創新、ITIC創新公司、達盈管顧、500 Global、眾勤法律等多家創業投資機構與創育輔導單位共同合作辦理。今(2024)年3月份舉辦首屆DEMO DAY活動,吸引全台近60家企業與新創籌備團隊報名參加,去年獲選10家團隊,累計到目前為止,這10家創業公司已有7家順利取得股權投資,總投資金額超過2億元新台幣,且從中促成4家與企業客戶進行商業合作,包含付費PoC(研發測試型訂單)與研究計畫合作等項目。
KO-IN智高點創新園區新創基地提供創業輔導諮詢與輔導平台,由營運團隊誠研創新聯合內外部專業業師顧問群,提供高雄新創或創新企業在商業模式驗證與股權募資規劃的完整輔導服務,並在適當時機由平台介接投資機構進行投募資評估,讓已經達到募資階段的被輔導公司能在最短時間內可以深度對接最多的投資機會,總計已協助超過100家的在地企業與新創籌備團隊走到商業化以及可以對接資本市場的里程碑。DEMO DAY活動將提供已達到募資階段的被輔導公司能在最短時間內可以深度對接最多的投資機會。
邁特創新基地執行長戴憶帆表示,連續兩年受邀擔任高雄創業投資DEMO DAY的輔導業師與投資代表,很希望與高市府以及誠研創新佈建更好的創新創業生態系。在去年首屆活動,邁特不僅提供多家創業公司商業建議,更是與入選DEMO DAY的金佶科技合作,引入他們的指紋辨識解決方案在邁特的新竹智慧工廠,共同完成PoB商業驗證並開始商轉中。今年,邁特將更積極尋找最有機會商業化合作的創新夥伴,一起把生意做大。